Untangling Complexity

The Challenge of Complexity

Complexity is the uber-issue looming over almost every particular issue we encounter.  Unless we can deal with complexity itself, our efforts at resolving critical and complex issues are doomed.  The unaided human mind is incapable of dealing with complexity beyond the most rudimentary level.  We can, at most, juggle about seven related conceptual entities at one time.  Most societal issues involve many more than that.  Our salvation, when confronted with such issues, is to band together in collaborative teams where we split up the work and share our capabilities, and to employ effective tools from a toolbox of well-developed and proven techniques.

What is Complexity?

Complexity: a combination of entities of various types that are interconnected by multiple relationships of various types.  Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing” or in a more modern genre, “Game of Thrones” are examples of drama about complex situations.  In those examples the complexity is great enough to be interesting and entertaining, but not so great as to be baffling, which would be a turn-off.  However, in the real world the complexity of situations we encounter is often far greater than in those contrived dramas, and we need all the help we can get to work through the complexity to a resolution of the issue at hand.  That help comes in the form of a team of dedicated system-problem-solvers, armed with appropriate process tools.

Complication is not the same as complexity.  A tangled ball of yarn or a pile of rubbish may be complicated, but are not complex.

Complexity and Systems

The definition of “complex” is close to the definition of “system”  For “system,” in addition to “a combination of entities of various types” and “interconnected by multiple relationships of various types” we add “functioning in a unified manner.”  It is the unified functioning part that makes systems important. CSD deals with systems.  The problem that triggers a CSD Solution-Discovery project is usually a system.  Consequently the solution will be a system.  The Solution-Discover process itself is a system, as is the process that develops a Solution-Discovery process that is tailored to the problem at hand.  The organization that builds and executes the Solution-Discovery process is a system, as is the organization that owns and operates the solution after it has been built.  Finally, this whole collection of systems is immersed in an environment of one or more systems.  This whole system of systems is called the SuperSystem (explore that branch for more).  Thus, understanding systems is a key skill of the CSD practitioner.  In addition to a general understanding of systems, the skilled system practitioner requires specific process tools to address specific problems.

The Job to be Done

In the wide view, the job of untangling complexity has two main aspects.

  1. Keep track of the bits and pieces that make up the system, and their relationships. This is how we understand an existing system that needs work, and how we organize the discovery and design process to create a new system.
  • Identify the bits and pieces at a particular level in the system that comprise each element of the system at the next higher level.
  • Link them up as necessary for the function of that next-higher-level element.
  • Verify that the necessary performance is delivered.
  • Continue this process, top-down, to identify the bits and pieces, and bottom-up, linking together, until a complete picture of the system emerges.

2. Search for unexpected emergent behaviors, usually by employing techniques as described in the branch on Analytics..

  • If the behaviors turn out to be of value, take advantage of this gift.
  • If the behaviors are undesirable, take measures to eliminate them.

Tools for Untangling Complexity

The tools for untangling complexity are in several categories. Look in the sub-page to this page to find a basic tool set in “A Toolbox for Untangling Complexity.” Break apart the dauntingly complex system into simpler units that are understandable.  Do this in a way such that the re-assembly of the simpler units retains the integrity and behavior of the system as whole. Utilize representations that clearly express whatever aspect of the system is of current interest, while pushing other, confusing aspects to the background.  A suite of complementary representations will be necessary to express everything important about the system. Employ analytical techniques that quantify important characteristics of the system, for purposes of understanding the system and evaluating various solution options.  This would include models for simulating dynamic behavior of the system, and various measures of its performance. Keeping track of all the approaches under way, how they interrelate, and the results they are yielding is of vital importance. This requires that Knowledge Management be a part of the project.

Look in the sub-page to this page called “System Characteristics and Behavior” to begin your overall understanding of systems.

Organizing to Confront Complexity

Confronting complexity for any issue of significance is a big job. It requires a team. Consider the importance of this when planning a CSD project.

  • To get the job done in a reasonable time.
  • To bring the necessary disciplines and skills to bear on the job.

At each phase of a CSD project, what aspects of complexity lie in the path forward? What tasks are necessary to deal with that complexity? What disciplines, skills and experience are necessary on the team that is working through the complexity? How does that team work with the rest of the project?

The Toolbox

The contents of a basic toolbox of complexity-untangling tools are described in the the sub-branches to this branch, arranged in categories of:

  • Dis-aggregation/Re-aggregation is breaking a complex system into understandable “chunks” in a way that preserves the total-greater-than-sum-of-parts character of the system when the chunks are reassembled.
  • Focused representations that single out particular attributes for attention, free from the distraction of the complex whole, while preserving the character of the whole.
  • Tools for mapping and tracking interrelationships.
  • Analytics, including modeling, to explore the dynamics of problem and solution, and provide quantitative support to solution-option creation and evaluation.
  • Knowledge Management: Fundamentally a CSD project is about acquisition and creation of a body of knowledge that enables an effective solution for the issue in question.


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